Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

  • The Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative School District, SAU #63, is committed to a process of curriculum planning to foster continuous improvement of student learning. The WLCSD K-12 curriculum is designed to meet national and state standards, providing our students with the problem-solving and communication skills as well as the essential knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing global world.

    District Curriculum Highlights

    Curriculum Articulation 

    K-12 teachers are engaging in the ongoing process of documenting, reviewing, and revising the district curriculum. This process includes ensuring a rigorous curriculum which reflects the Common Core skills of speaking, listening, writing, viewing, critical thinking, and creating.

    The Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative School District has partnered with Rubicon Atlas Curriculum Management System to assist in our efforts to develop and articulate the district curriculum, creating an equitable educational experience for all our students.  Rubicon Atlas Management System will allow teachers to revise curriculum in real time and make their work available to their peers across the district.  It will support our efforts in all areas of instruction and assessment.

    Technology Integration 

    District teachers K-12 continue to integrate the technology tools available today into their instruction and student learning activities, empowering students to direct their own learning.

    STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics) 

    Teachers at the Middle/High School level incorporate Project Based Learning activities, which support the development of students’ problem solving skills and creativity.


    Elementary and Middle school students are developing an electronic portfolio of projects, reflecting higher order thinking and technology skills. As student develop their individual portfolios, they use a reflective process that encourages the self-directed learning skills.

    School Wide Enrichment Program - Odyssey

    The elementary students have the opportunity to participate once a week in an educational enrichment activity. Participation in the activity is based on a student’s own interests and talents. 

    Competency-Based Education 

    WLC High School:

    As mandated by NH State Law, WLC High School is moving to a Competency-Based Education model. Teachers have worked over the past four years to define course competencies that identify the learning outcomes students need to demonstrate in each course to earn credit. Departments are engaged in the ongoing process of reviewing and revising competencies and the assessments that measure them.

    WLC Middle School, Florence Rideout Elementary School, & Lyndeborough Central School:

    By 2017, all public schools K-12 in New Hampshire will be providing students education in a competency-based model.  Middle school and elementary school teachers are in the process of developing and revising their curriuclums to include competencies.

    Senior Project 

    Seniors at WLC High School complete independently directed learning projects in which they demonstrate the research, problem-solving and communication skills developed over the years in the WLC School District. Successful completion of the Senior Project is a graduation requirement.


  • M. Dolores Fox

    Curriculum Coordinator for SAU #63