Phone: 654-6714
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Special Education/Elementary Ed
Mrs. Cathy Hamilton
Third grade teacher
I am glad you are exploring our school website. I began my teaching career as an elementary special education teacher, and then I transitioned to third grade. Third grade rocks!! The magic of having my own class and watching them learn and grow never gets old.
As a third grade teacher, with a lengthy special education background, I strongly believe in individualizing and differentiating instruction. Connecting themes and activities provide a safety net and overlap that help all children visualize; respond to activities;and, retain/apply information.. I do not like presenting concepts in isolation. Children need to see how ideas and concepts are joined. Third grade units of instruction are exciting and foster reflection and personal exploration.This year we will encourage third graders to improve across all academic areas including: math fact fluency; reading fluency and comprehension; writing skills; and, math problem solving skills. Third graders will be expected to solve problems and participate in hands on on exploration to promote independent thinking. As a team the third grade teachers will be implementing the various programs provided to us and support said programs using technology and other resources.
Our team will work with support team members to provide reteaching and scaffolding opportunities for students in need of additional support or enrichment.
You can reach me by phone, email. or a written note.