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School Board Policies
Policy A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- ABA - Volunteer Involvement
- AC - Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity
- ACAA - Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students
- ACAA-R - Student Discrimination/Harassment And Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
- ACAB - Harassment and Sexual Harassment of School Employees
- ACAB-R - Employee Discrimination/Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
- ACE - Non-Discrimination of Handicap/Disability
- ACN - Nursing Mothers
- AD - Philosophy of the School District
- ADB - Drug-Free Workplace & Drug-free Schools
- ADC - Prohibitions Regarding Use and Possession of Tobacco Products, E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids In and On School Facilities and Grounds
- AE - Accountability
Policy B - School Board Governance and Operations
- BAAA - School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
- BBA - School Board Powers and Duties
- BBAA - Board Member Authority
- BBBA - Board Member Qualifications
- BBBC - Board Member or District Officer Resignation
- BBBE - Vacancies And Unexpired Term Fulfillment
- BBBF - Student Board Members
- BCA - School Board Member Ethics
- BCB - Board Member Conflict of Interest
- BDB - Board Officers
- BDD - Board Superintendent Relationship
- BDE - Committees and Delegates
- BEA - Regular Board Meetings
- BEAA - School Board Meeting Preparations
- BEC - Non-Public Sessions
- BEDA - Public Notification of Meetings
- BEDB - Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
- BEDC - Quorum
- BEDDA - Board Meeting- Rules of Procedure & Order
- BEDG - Meeting Minutes
- BEDH - Public Participation at Board Meetings
- BFE - Administration in Policy Absence
- BG - Board Policy Process
- BGA - Policy Development System
- BGB - Policy Adoption
- BGC - Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check
- BGD - Board Review of Administrative Regulations
- BGE - Policy Dissemination
- BGF - Suspension of Policies
- BHE - School Board Use of Electronic Communication
- BIA - New Board Member Orientation
- BIB - Board Member Development Opportunities
- BIBA - School Board Conferences, Conventions and Workshops
- BIE - Board Member Indemnification
- BK - School Board Memberships
- BKA - Liaison with School Board Associations
- BZZZ - School Board Member Stipends
Policy C - General School Administration
- CA - Administration Goals
- CB -- School Superintendent
- CB-R -- Duties of the Superintendent
- CBI - Evaluation of the Superintendent
- CBI-R -- Evaluation of Superintendent, Sample Form
- CCB - Line and Staff Relations
- CFA - Individual School Administrative Personnel
- CFA-R -- Duties of the Principal
- CFB - Building Principal Evaluation
- CFC - Telecommuting by Administrators
- CH - Policy Implementation
- CHA - Development of Regulations
- CHB - Board Review of Regulations
- CHCA - Approval of Handbook and Directives
- CHD - Administration in Policy Absence
- CM - School District Annual Report
Policy D - Fiscal Management
- DA -- Fiscal Management Plan
- DAF-1 Allowability
- DAF-2 Cash Management and Fund Control
- DAF-3-Procurement
- DAF-4-Procurement-Additional Provisions Pertinent To Food Service Program
- DAF-5 Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosures
- DAF-6 - Inventory Management-Equipment and Supplies Purchased with Federal Funds
- DAF-7 Travel Reimbursement-Federal Funds
- DAF-8 Accountability and Certifications
- DAF-9 Time-Effort Reporting /Oversight
- DAF-10- Grant Budget Reconciliation
- DAF-11 - Sub-Recipient Monitoring and Management
- DB - Annual Budget
- DBC -- Budget Preparation
- DBI - Budget Implementation
- DDAA -- Post-Issuance Tax Compliance Policy and Procedures for Tax Exempt Obligations
- DFA -- Investment Policy
- DFA-R -- Internal Investment Controls
- DGA -- Authorized Signatures
- DH -- Bonded Employees
- DI - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
- DI-R -- Fiscal Accounting and Reporting Regulations
- DIA -- Fund Balances - GASB 54
- DIB -- Disaster Recovery
- DID-Fixed Assets-Inventories
- DIE -- Audits
- DIG - School Lunch Meal Payment
- DIH -- Fraud Prevention and Fiscal Management
- DJ -- Purchasing
- DJB -- Purchasing Procedures
- DJB-R -- Authorizing Issuance of Individual Procurement Cards
- DJC - Petty Cash Accounts
- DJE - Bidding Requirements
- DJF - Local Purchasing
- DK -- Payment Procedures
- DKA -- Payroll Procedures
- DKC - Personal Expense Reimbursement
- DKC-R -- Personal Expense Reimbursement Procedure
- DM - Cash in School Buildings
- DN -- Equipment and Supplies Sales
Policy E - Support Services
- EB-R -- Motor Vehicle Seat Belt Use Policy
- EBBB -- Accident Reports
- EBBD -- Indoor Air Quality
- EBCA -- Emergency Plans
- EBCA-R -- Emergency Plans Checklist
- EBCB -- Fire Drills
- EBCB-R -- Fire Exist Drills in Educational Occupancies
- EBCC -- Bomb Threats
- EBCD -- Emergency Closings
- ECA -- Buildings and Grounds Security
- ECAF -- Audio and Video Surveillance on School Buses
- EDAA -- Use of Cell Phones
- EDC -- Authorized use of School Owned Materials and Equipment
- EDC-R1 -- Electronic Equipment Checkout Form
- EDC-R2 -- Equipment Checkout Form
- EEA -- Student Transportation Services
- EEA-R - Procedure for Requesting Bus Stop Change
- EEAA -- Video and Audio Surveillance on School Property
- EEAE --School Bus Safety Program
- EEAE-R - Safety Guidelines for Parents/Guardians of Students Using School Buses
- EEAEA-Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing-School Bus Drivers and Contracted Carriers
- EEAEA-R -- Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- EEAG -- Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students
- EEAG-R -Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students Form
- Parental Transportation Agreement Form
- Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Transportation Agreement Form
- EFA - Availability and Distribution of Healthy Foods
- EFAA - Meal Charging
- EFE -- Vending Machines
- EGAD -- Copyright Compliance
- EGAD-R -- Authorized use of Copyrighted Material in Print
- EH -- Public Use of School Records
- EHAA - Computer Security, E-Mail and Internet Communications
- EHAB - Data Governance
- EHB -- Data/Records Retention
- EHB-R -- Data/Records Retention-Local Records Retention Schedule
- EI -- Risk Management
- EIB -- Liability Insurance and Pooled Risk Management
- EID -- Insurance
Policy G - Personnel
- GA -- Personnel Policies Goals
- GADA -- Employment References and Verification (Prohibiting Aiding and Abetting of Sexual Abuse)
- GBCD -- Background Investigation and Criminal Records Check
- GBE -- Employee Rights and Responsibilities
- GBEA -- Staff Ethics
- GBEAA-Anti-Fraternization
- GBEB -- Staff Conduct
- GBEBA -- Staff Dress Code
- GBEBD - Employee Use of Social Networking Websites/Accounts
- GBEF -- School District Internet Access for Staff
- GBG -- Employee Protection
- GBGA -- Staff Health
- GBGBA - Use of Automated External Defibrillators
- GBJ-R -- Personnel Records
- GBJA -- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- GBJA-R -- HIPPA - Notice of Privacy Practices
- GCB - Professional Staff Contracts
- GCCBC - Family and Medical Leave Act
- GCF -- Professional Staff Hiring
- GCG -- Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment (Substitute Teachers)
- GCI -- Professional Staff Development Opportunities
- GCNA -- Supervision of Instructional Staff
- GCO -- Evaluation of Professional Staff
- GCQA -- Reduction in Instructional Staff Work Force
- GCQC -- Resignations
- GCR -- Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Members
- GCRC -- Professional Personnel Counsulting
- GDB -- Employment of Non-Certified Personnel
- GDF -- Hiring of Non-Certified Personnel
- GDO -- Evaluation of Support Staff
- GDQ -- Termination of Non-Certified Personnel
Policy H - Negotiations
Policy I - Instruction
- IC -- School Year
- ICA -- School Calendar
- IF -- Instructional Approach
- IFA -- Instructional Needs of Students with Different Talents
- IGA -- Curriculum Development
- IGD -- Curriculum Adoption
- IGE -- Parental Objections to Specific Course Material
- IHAH -- World Languages Program
- IHAK -- Character and Citizenship Education
- IHAM -- Health Education and Exemption From Instruction
- IHAM-R -- Opt Out Form
- IHAMA - Teaching About Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
- IHAMB -- Teaching about Self-Protection
- IHBA -- Programs for Pupils with Disabilities
- IHBBA -- Limited English Proficiency Instruction
- IHBBA-R -- Limited English Proficient Programs (Parent Notification Form)
- IHBCA -- Pregnant Students
- IHBG -- Home Education Instruction
- IHBG-R -- Home Education/ Dual Enrollment
- IHBH -- Extended Learning Opportunities
- IHBI -- Alternative Learning Plans
- IHCA -- Summer Activites
- IHCD -- Advanced Course Work/Advanced Placement Courses
- IIB-Class Size
- IIC -- Instructional Time-Schedule
- IJK -- Supplemental Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJL-Library Materials
- IJNDB -- School District Internet Access for Students
- IJO -- Community Resources
- IJOA -- Field Trips and Excursions
- IJOC -- Volunteers
- IK -- Earning of Credit
- IKA -- Grading System
- IKAA -- Interdisciplinary Credit
- IKB -- Homework
- IKE -- Promotion and Retention of Students
- IKF -- High School Graduation Requirements
- IKFA - Early Graduation
- IL -- Evaluation of Curricular Programs
- ILBA -- Assessment of Educational Programs
- ILBAA -- High School Competency Assessments
- ILD - Educational Questionnaires, Surveys and Research
- IMAH - Daily Physical Activity
- IMBA -- Distance Education
- IMBC -- Alternative Credit Options
- IMBD - High School Credit For 7th/8th Grade Coursework
- IMC -- Controversial Speakers and Programs
- IMDA -- Patriotic Exercises
- IMGA -- Service Animals
Policy J - Students
- JCA -- Change of School or Assignment
- JEB -- Age of Entrance
- JFA -- Residency
- JFAA -- Admission of Resident Students
- JFAB - Admission of Tuition and Non-Resident Students
- JFABB -- Foreign Exchange Student
- JFABB-R -- Foreign Exchange Students
- JFABD - Admission of Homeless Children and Unaccompanied Youth
- JG -- Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels
- JH - Student Absences and Excuses
- JHC -- Student Early Release Precautions
- JI -- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- JIA -- Student Due Process Rights
- JIC -- Student Conduct
- JICA -- Student Dress Code
- JICC -- Student Conduct on School Buses
- JICD-Student Discipline and Due Process
- JICD-R -- Memorandum of Understanding
- JICDD -- Student Discipline: Out-of-School Actions
- JICE -- Student Publications
- JICF -- Gang Activity
- JICFA -- Hazing
- JICH -- Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
- JICI -- Weapons on School Property
- JICJ -- Unauthorized Communication Devices
- JICJ-R -- Procedures for Handling Unauthorized Communication Devices
- JICK -- Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention
- JICL -- School District Internet Access for Students
- JIE -- Pregnant Students
- JIH -- Student Searches and Their Property
- JIHB -- Searches of Student Automobiles on School Property
- JIHB-R -- Student Operated Vehicle Search Report
- JIHC -- Use of Metal Detectors
- JJF -- Student Activities Fund Management
- JJF-R -- Administering Student Activity Funds
- JJJ - Access To Public School Programs By Nonpublic, Charter School And Home Educated Pupils
- JJIC -- Eligibility of School Athletics
- JJIF -- Guidelines for Proper Sportsmanship
- JKA -- Corporal Punishment
- JKAA - Use of Child Restraint and Seclusion
- JKB -- Detention of Students
- JLC -- Student Health Services & School Nurses
- JLCA -- Physical Examinations of Students
- JLCB -- Immunizations of Students
- JLCC -- Communicable Diseases
- JLCC-R -- Communicable Disease (Form)
- JLCD -- Administering Medication to Students
- JLCD-R -- Procedures for Administering Medication to Students
- JLCE/EBBC- Emergency Care and First Aid
- JLCE-R -- Emergency Information Form
- JLCEA - Use of Automated External Defibrillators
- JLCF -- Wellness Policy
- JLCG - Exclusion of Students from School for Illness
- JLCG-R -- Exclusion of Students from School for Illness
- JLCH -- Do Not Resuscitate Orders
- JLCJ -Concussions and Head Injuries
- JLCJA - Emergency Plan for Sports Related Injuries And Additional Protocols For Athletic Participation
- JLCK - Special Physical Health Needs Of Students
- JLD -- School Guidance and Counseling Program
- JLDBA -- Behavior Management and Intervention
- JLDBB - Suicide Prevention And Response
- JLF -- Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect
- JLI -- Safety Program
- JLIA -- Supervision of Students
- JLIE -- Student Automobile Use
- JRA -- Student Records and Access - FERPA
- JRA-R -- Annual Notification of Rights Under FERPA
Policy K - School-Community-Home Relations
- KA - School, Community and Home Relations
- KB -- Title 1 Family and Community Engagement
- KB-R -- Parent Involvement in Education
- KCD -- Acceptance of Gifts
- KD - School District Social Media Websites
- KDA -- Public Information Program
- KDCA -- Use of Students in Public Information Program
- KE -- Public Complaints
- KEB -- Public Complaints about School Personnel, Employees, Students or Administration
- KEC -- Policy of Reconsideration of Instructional Materials/Library Materials
- KEC-R -- Reconsideration of Instructional Materials/Library Materials (Form)
- KED - Facilities or Services-Grievance Procedure (Section 504)
- KF -- Use of School Buildings and Facilities/Grounds
- KFA -- Public Conduct on School Property/ Assault
- KFA-R -- Assaults
- KFAA -- Public Conduct on School Property -- Athletic Events
- KFD - Use and Location of Automated External Defibrillators
- KH -- Public Solicitations in the Schools
- KHB -- Advertising in the Schools
- KI -- Visitors to the School
- KL -- Legislative Representative
- KLG -- Relations with Police Authorities