Meal Benefit Application

Meal Benefits Logo
  • Children need healthy meals to learn. Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative School District offers healthy meals every school day. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals.

    Households interested in applying for free or reduced price meals should do so at the beginning of each school year or at any time during the year if the household income goes down or household size increases. It is important to apply early in the school year as the prior year's eligibility expires after the first 30 school days.  Students whose Meal Benefits expire will revert to PAID status. You will be responsible for any meal charges that occur due to an expired application.  Families will be notified by mail regarding the status of their application after it is processed.

    If any member of your household receives SNAP (Food Stamps), you may automatically be qualified for free meals.  If anyone in the household receives SNAP, ALL students in the household automatically qualify for free meals for the year.  If you are unsure if you have been approved based on your receipt of SNAP, you may submit a paper application or email Food Service Director Megan Nantel at

    Please note that the USDA changes the meal application each year.  Previous year's applications cannot be accepted.  Please complete ONE application per household.

    Applications and Other Household Material for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Households

    Do you need the Application, letter and instructions in another language?  

    The following link will bring you to the USDA website where you will find a list of languages to choose from.

    Click on the language and it will link you to the forms.

    Please contact Megan Nantel should you have questions or concerns 603-732-9344.