• Community Service

    All WLC high school students are required to complete 6 hours of Service Learning each year they are in high school for a total of 24 hours prior to graduation. Students who do not complete the required 6 hours each year, will not attain the privileges accorded to his/her class, including but not limited to senior privileges, parking privileges, and graduation exercises. Graduating seniors must complete and have the Service Learning Coordinator accept all service learning hours no later than the Friday prior to graduation to participate in Senior Week activities, including graduation.

    *Transfer students must contact the School Counseling Office to determine the amount of time required.

    Filling out this form and handing it in to the Service Learning Coordinator is proof that the service has been completed. Volunteer service to any non-profit, religious, civic, or school group meets the criteria for service hours. Any other services should be approved with the Service Learning Coordinators prior to commencing the work. The student must not directly benefit from services; which include fund-raising activities, or receipt of payment. Students should check with a Service Learning Coordinator to confirm that service meets criteria. Students may complete more than 6 hours of service a year, however, any hours over 6 does not “carry over” to the next year. Service learning opportunities may be found on the Service Learning webpage at www.wlcwarriors.net.


    WLC Freshman, Nick Kennedy, at the Community Kitchen in Keene

    WLC Freshman, Nick Kennedy, standing center of back row.  Serving at the Keene Community Kitchen

    Kennedy shared the following comment following his first WLC community service experience, "Through my experience at the Community Kitchen, I learned I enjoy helping others. I had a nice time helping all those in need and working with the other volunteers.  I would love to do this again!"