Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs)
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Field Trips are planned each year to Milford Applied Technology Center, and Nashua Community College to gain knowledge of the Career and Technical Education programs that they run.
Generally, courses required for graduation are taken at Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative High School. Students who wish to take courses through an extended learning opportunity and/or online programs may do so in consultation with the School Counselor. In all cases, an Alternative Credit Application must be completed and permission obtained prior to the commencement of the class/program. For these courses to obtain credit, they must be taken at an accredited high school, college or university and an official transcript must be provided to the school registrar.
Extended Learning Opportunities are programs or opportunities in which the primary acquisition of knowledge and skills is through instruction or study outside of the traditional classroom methodology, including but not limited to apprenticeships, independent study, internships, and performing groups. ELOs allow students to earn credit towards graduation outside of the traditional classroom methodologies. ELOs are supervised, competency-based programs or studies that allow students to expand their learning environment.
The purpose of ELOs is to provide learning that is meaningful and relevant to the student and/or school or community. ELOs provide students with opportunities to explore and achieve at high levels. Extended learning opportunities should be stimulating and intellectually challenging and enable students to fulfill or exceed the expectations set forth by State minimum standards and applicable Board policies.
These courses will reflect either a Pass (P) or Fail (F) letter grade on the WLC transcript. Pass will received credit and Fail will not. GPA is excluded from these courses, and therefore is not tabulated in overall GPA.
ELO Philosophy
The WLC High School believes that students should have access to Extended Learning Opportunities as they support the WLC MS/HS Mission. We believe that ELOs allow students to experience education in diverse settings and with non-traditional methodologies that may address the different learning styles of our students. ELOs allow for in-depth learning that allows students to explore and immerse themselves in an area of their own interest. ELOs are a part of the educational program which provides students with the best possible education and options to reach their potential at WLC HS.
Students interested in an ELO should see the ELO Coordinator.
WLC believes students should be provided with community-based Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) that support students earning non-traditional credit. The primary acquisition of knowledge and skills through instruction or study outside of the traditional classroom methodology. We believe that students have many different learning styles and that they should have many experiences available to them outside of the traditional classroom environment. Our goal is to provide the best possible education for students at WLC by having more options to reach their potential. GPA is excluded from these courses, and therefore is not tabulated in overall GPA.
Students may investigate independent studies by contacting the specific teacher the student wishes to work with. The school counselor will assist in determining if the student is eligible. The supervising teacher and the student complete an ELO form for approval before the semester begins. Teachers must be certified in the course content area. Independent Study courses fulfill an elective graduation requirement; these courses are graded Pass or Fail. GPA is excluded from these courses, and therefore is not tabulated in overall GPA.
We offer students the opportunity to take online classes through Virtual High School and Virtual Learning Academy Charter School. VHS and VLACS offer a variety of courses that are not offered at WLC and allow students to further explore their own interests to complete their elective and extracurricular requirements. VHS and VLACS courses require permission from the School Counselor. These courses will reflect the actual letter grade earned and the GPA associated with it, this will be tabulated and included in overall GPA
Taking Core Classes Online Policy: Students are strongly encouraged to take all credit requirements at WLC. However, in some circumstances students are allowed to take such a class online. Students must first try the WLC offered course in the classroom setting. If it is apparent that the student’s education would further benefit from an alternative setting in order to gain course credit, a meeting with the student, parent/guardian, teacher and school counselor will take place to explore further options. Upon further review, permission must be granted by administration and school counselor in order for the student to take the online course.
VLACS - Virtual Learning Academy Charter School can begin at any time during the school year and students complete the course at their own pace earning a half or full credit based on course selection. For more information you can visit the VLACS website at www.vlacs.org
The Community College System of NH (CCSNH) has rebranded its dual enrollment programs.
Running Start and eStart will now be known collectively as “Early College.”
Running Start is now “Early College at Your High School”
Early College is now “Early College on a College Campus”
eStart is now “Early College Online
As in past years, the NH Governor’s Scholarship will cover tuition for two dual enrollment courses per academic year (subject to available funding), but new this year, these courses are not limited to STEM/CTE subjects.
Rebranded Dual Enrollment Flyer
CCSNH-Early College Flyer-Provides an overview of the CCSNH Early College programs and the available scholarships.
With prior approval from the school counselor and before the beginning of a semester a student must be approved for college level courses. Students earn high school and college level credit simultaneously. All applications must be completed and approval granted from the school counselor. Credit will be granted for a college course provided that a passing grade is earned. 0.5 credit will be awarded for a semester long course and 1.0 for year-long courses. These courses are considered honor level high school courses and will be awarded honors GPA.
Early College at your High School: The Early College program allows high school students to take Community College System of NH (CCSNH) courses for high school AND college credit while still in high school. Courses offered through the Running Start program are college courses taught at the high school by CCSNH college credentialed high school faculty as part of the daily class schedule. Currently the tuition price per credit is $150.00 plus the cost of textbook(s). College courses are generally either 3 or 4 credits.Each student, along with their parent(s) is required to sign a contract to ensure that all parties understand the agreement, costs and terms.
Early College on a College Campus: Early College on a College Campus pathways enables students to jump start their college education by earning college-level credits during their high school years. Students are integrated into regular college classes on the NCC campus or online. With guidance from Nashua Community College advisers, students select courses from the general education program or take a sequence of courses in a particular curriculum.
Earn college credits at a fraction of the cost of a four-year university. NCC’s in-state tuition rate is only $250 per course. Contact the NCC Admissions Office for more information at 603-578-8908.
Early College Online: Early College Online is a dual credit program that affords NH high school students the opportunity to take 100% online college courses through the Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH), while earning both high school AND college credit simultaneously.This program allows students to earn high school AND college credit for the same online course. They can access their class anytime/anywhere to fit their busy schedule. Students will learn from highly qualified CCSNH faculty and gain valuable experience with college coursework. The credits earned transfer to many colleges and universities. Tuition is $150 plus the cost of textbooks.
Early College Online is a partnership between the Community College System of NH(CCSNH) and the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS)